Thursday, November 21, 2013

Love those thighs, ladies.

I want to spend this blog talking about what we think about, hear about, and obsess over all the damn time: Beauty. The way we look. Sometimes I wish it wasn't even a thing. I think as  human beings we would be so much happier if we didn't think about it, if we didn't care about it.

I bring this up because this link popped up on my Facebook:

I think it is great this is being circulated around so much because it is really important.
Every day we see ads and other things of women and men who - I am almost positive - are not as happy as the photographer made them out to look.

Let me break this down for everyone.
I am a 21 year old woman who has always been hyper aware of my looks (as I sure everyone is). There are days when I wear an outfit and think I am rocking it...only to wear it later and think I look absolutely hideous because my thighs are huge and the muffin top is visible.
It's overwhelming how awful those thought are, but how can we stop them when everyone is always pointing at them? Ads want you to be as ecxiting as that couple in the commercial, stores might not carry your size because they don't want a person with meat on their bones to wear their clothes, and celebrities are usually no help.

When I have a daughter/son one day how will I make her believe that she/he is beautiful if everyone else is telling her she needs long blonde hair, big boobs, and no hips. Which is physically impossible, by the way. How the hell do people think woman are capable of carrying babies? It's all in the hips people!

Honestly, I'm not skinny and I am working every single day to be 100% okay with that. Because I don't think anyone who really matters cares very much about it, if at all. It might sound corny, but I make sure to look myself in the eye every morning and tell myself that I am beautiful just the way I am. All the problems I could see with myself, no one else sees anyway! For example, my best friend always complains that her calves are super big - their not - and I never understand why she says that because she is healthy and lovely in every single way. I think she is one of the most beautiful woman I have ever met, but she thinks her calves are too big.

What the heck is with the world?!

I'd like to be an example here of what people actually want to see.
When I look at magazines and see what they think a hot guy look like, I never really fall for it. Yeah, he is nice to look at, but who the heck wants to cuddle on the couch with a rock?? No one, that's who.

Let's look at these guys -

(I have a type. Sue me.)
These guys are healthy, but not super macho and I LOVE that! You just want to get close and nuzzle, for goodness sake. 
Come one, who doesn't?

Same goes with these women - 

These women are gorgeous! They are curvy and who wouldn't want to be? No one wants to cop a feel from a woman who is all bones. I'm just sayin'. 

So from now on, I am going to think of only the good things about myself. Sure, I need to get into shape, but that is completely different than losing weight to be thin so everyone will love me. That's just a bunch of bull. And you know it. 

Love yourselves people. It's probably one of the biggest turn-on's in the history of the world.

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